Steelers Great Antonio Brown Finds Himself In A Massive 1.1 Million Dollar Legal Battle (Antonio Brown)
Antonio Brown

Steelers Great Antonio Brown Finds Himself In A Massive 1.1 Million Dollar Legal Battle

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Former Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown and trouble never seem to be far apart. Now, just days after his last dramatic incident, he finds himself once again embroiled in legal trouble. Only this time with a hefty price tag. 

Pittsburgh Steelers Antonio Brown


Former Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown

It really has become a tragic fan for anyone who loves the sport of football. Brown was underestimated as a college player and in entering the NFL. He worked harder than most people to create tremendous success for himself and the Steelers. Brown was once considered a role model for young people, that if you worked your hardest and gave it your all you can reach your dreams. 

When Brown was in his heyday with with the Steelers no fan would have ever believed how far he would plummet. No one knows what exactly has sparked all this chaos from Brown. Some claim it is CTE and others believe it has always been inside of him and becoming famous meant he didn't have to restrain himself. Why it happened doesn't change the fact that the story of his fall from grace is a sad one that started with diva-like, egotistical behavior at its best and sexual misconduct and harassment at its worst. 

Most recently, Brown made the news for a very un-Brown-like statement where he apologized for being so self-centered as a player. He said that now that he is a part owner of the Albany Empire, an arena team, he recognizes the importance of considering the whole team's needs. This confession was met with skepticism by fans. 

Steelers Antonio Brown Being Sued

Now Brown is being sued by a jeweler for over $1 million. The news was reported today by TMZ and claims that the jeweler to the stars, Shuki International, made Brown items that he did not pay for. 

Pittsburgh Steelers Antonio Brown Shuki

Shuki Diamonds Instagram Page

The jeweler to the stars Shuki shows off his trademark "Shuki Diamond fingers," Antonio Brown reportedly bought two sets.

Shuki has filed a lawsuit in Los Angles saying that he gave Brown several pieces of jewelry in 2022 and that Brown promised to pay $1,095,000 and still has not.

Steven H. Stone, Shuki's attorney said that the jeweler is expected to make a statement about his lawsuit later this week. The items in question include Shuki's famous "Shuki International" diamond fingers, which reportedly cost $500,000 each. He also made Brown rose gold and black diamond versions of the fingers, a white gold chain and a ring.  

Shuki said he gave Brown the majority of the items on February 24, 2022, and said he promised to pay the $1.1 million bill by December 1, 2022. TMZ also reports that Brown and Shuki apparently had a good relationship prior to this. Shuki has made many pieces for Brown in the past which we can assume he paid for. 

Pittsburgh Steelers Antonio Brown Shuki


Former Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown and jeweler Shuki performed Brown's tribute rap "Shuki Diamonds" at a concert.

Brown, who became a rapper after his NFL career ended, even wrote a song called "Shuki Diamonds" as a tribute to the jeweler he favors. Shuki even appeared on stage with Brown to perform the piece. So far there has been no word from Brown or his people. 

What do you make of Brown's latest escapade? Why do you think he didn't just pay for the jewelry? Do you believe Brown has changed his behavior at all now that he is a part-owner of a team? What do you think happened to Brown, was it fame getting to his head or something like CTE? Comment below.


author imageLeeAnn Lowman, Staff Writer

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